Steve's profile - supporters can see gallery and video

Profile ID: 2215736
Age 72
Height 5'7" ft
  (170 cm)
Weight 150 lb
  (68 kg)
Sexually is oral versatile
Partnered yes
City San Francisco
Zip / postal 94114
State California
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
Prefer men aged from 30 to 70

Profile text:

Hello, beautiful men.

I enjoy casual, friendly sex with other fit guys. Super oral and love a good blowjob more than anything. Also love to pleasure a dick, and have a special place in my throat for an intact foreskin.

Open to fit guys of any race. A sense of humor really helps--I try not to take myself too seriously, and really appreciate a man who can laugh. Usually can host at my private cottage in Noe Valley.

Not a flake, and if we plan ahead I will follow through.

Am STD-HIV-negative, tested regularly. Up-to-date with COVID boosters and Monkeypox vaxx.

Cheers and have fun!


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