Fitandreadyxx's profile - supporters can see gallery and video

Profile ID: 2359445
Age 67
Height 5'11" ft
  (180 cm)
Weight 154 lb
  (70 kg)
Sexually is versatile
oral versatile
Partnered yes
City Mundelein
Zip / postal 60061
State Illinois
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
Prefer men aged from 35 to 80

Profile text:

......looking for a fwb situation. Versatile top into most things. You must be fit and horny and into erotic safe interaction. Please be serious and real. I'm in to flip fucking.

Link for more vids

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age 61 - Ireland
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age 40 - Australia
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age 57 - NC, United States
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age 74 - TX, United States
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age 72 - PA, United States
leo07 profile has image
age 30 - Mexico

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