Dave-n-Tim's profile - supporters can see gallery
Profile text:Let's get real here. I am 66 and no longer that innocent young guy that I was in my 30's into the 40's. I have pretty much experienced everything that is mainstream gay life. I'm comfortable in my sexuality and recognize most BS at a glance.
These days I'm neither a Top or a Bottom and most of the time I lean more toward being A-sexual. I have a loving husband and I'm satisfied to be no longer on the prowl for the quick sexual fix. There's nothing wrong with a quickie or anon encounter but the thrill of the hunt had simmered down for me.
I'm a friendly guy with no agenda [hidden or otherwise]. I'm as happy chatting as anything else. My priorities have shifted.
We are currently wintering in Arizona and are seriously considering a move to less expensive locations. We are watching closely what is happening with the incoming administration and may choose to wait out the next four years abroad. Time will tell.
My husband is a late bloomer so he's still like a kid in a candy store in gay settings. I'm OK that he plays but it would be nice to have friends around our age who are friendly and open.
If any of that I just wrote rings a bell with you let me hear from you. I'd love to find some common ground with other men "of a certain age" and inclination.
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