Keith's profile - supporters can see gallery and video

Profile ID: 2713411
Age 59
Height 5'10" ft
  (178 cm)
Weight 185 lb
  (84 kg)
City Millsboro
Zip / postal 19966
State Delaware
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
Prefer men aged from 50 to 90

Profile text:

MWM increasingly bi, rarely get out alone but when I do I love to connect with older smoothies or guys who like smoothies. Love slow mutual masturbation and more if we click.

Learned early in life how to give prolonged, edging handjobs, and that's still a favorite to both give or receive to this day despite years 20-38 being married and I thought straight. When sex stopped in marriage about 20 years ago I rediscovered my youth and fondness of being naked with other smoothies my age or older.

I don't get out often but when I can find excuses I love to frequent all nude Korean Spas, masturbation parties, and nude beaches. Love being that guy who walks around totally naked in the locker room.

Love chatting with others who started early in life - totally open-minded. Need to find someone who knows some good rooms online for vids ;)

Have never topped but one day plan to meet a safe regular to experience that. Ultimate fantasy is to be with a husband while wife or spouse or a small group helps or just watches.

I have also loved porn since early age and there was a time I would masturbate five or six times a day but even now I still masturbate three times a day on average. Always when I get up with a raging erection, sometime mid day depending on anything I've seen for real or online that gets my mind and body worked up, and then before bed so I can sleep better.

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