ethnoman62's profile

Profile ID: 2864771
Age 62
Height 6'1" ft
  (185 cm)
Weight 201 lb
  (91 kg)
Sexually is versatile
oral versatile
City Jacksonville
Zip / postal 32211
State Florida
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
Prefer men aged from 25 to 75

Profile text:

Safe (negative STD test 9/24), sensual man here seeking the same. I live in Jax but spend a lot of time in St. Augustine for work. Since many have asked, the photo is taken at my home in France and my camper is the standard size in Europe - small compared to American RVs. I also enjoy good, witty conversation and hope to find someone of like orientation to sensuality. I don't have a physical preference, just someone that is clean, safe, and also enjoys erotic and sensual release. Not seeking a relationship but a friendship is fine. Prefer to find one man or a couple for regular get-togethers.

I can occasionally host when I do not have family or friends staying, and I can the split the cost of a room if you cannot host. I sometimes enjoy anonymous hook-ups but prefer to get to know someone well before sex. That does not mean I engage in endless emails just that the kind of sensual experience I like is one where I know someone first as a person. With age, I find that sex is more sensually rewarding if there is a connection beyond the purely physical and/or lustful.

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