Willing's profile - supporters can see gallery and video

Profile ID: 455005
Age 78
Height 5'8" ft
  (173 cm)
Weight 165 lb
  (75 kg)
Sexually is bottom
oral giving
City Rostraver (PGH area)
Zip / postal 15012
State Pennsylvania
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a relationship
Prefer men aged from 25 to 90

Profile text:

Mostly oral, but tend to gravitate to btm with the right guy. Age is not a problem.

I'm particularly attracted to Asians.

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age 72 - CT, United States
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age 73 - AZ, United States
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age 66 - MI, United States
age 64 - MI, United States
age 54 - United Kingdom

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