Randy's profile - supporters can see gallery
Profile text:Man, I really need to update this profile since I'm now 95 but most of the text below still holds true....well, maybe a few modifications are in order but the enthusiasm is still there!!! Better and new photos later!
,I'll just keep chugging along and ignore the aches, pains, imbalance, dizziness and other related symptoms. As I mentioned earlier, I'm not seeking an LTR. Just good times and to chat with interesting men. I probably waste more time on this site than is good for me, but it's a lot of fun.
I am fortunate to have had three great men in my life and the last and current one is the best. A true companion is a pearl without price. I wish you similar good luck.
I urge you to bound out of bed each morning and just get moving.....no matter how much it hurts.
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