joeavg's profile - supporters can see gallery and video

Profile ID: 641542
Age 71
Height 5'8" ft
  (173 cm)
Weight 154 lb
  (70 kg)
Sexually is oral versatile
Partnered yes
City Sacramento
Zip / postal 95831
State California
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
Prefer men aged from 20 to 90

Profile text:

Just a normal,vaxxed again and again, average guy, joeavg2001 at , that likes to play now and then! Had prostate surgery 1/11/22 which makes orgasm mostly "dry" but now with a different intensity.

Bimwm, 5'8", 160, brn/blu, 6c, kinda thick. Like oral, jo, 3 way, showering with a buddy, maybe a little help with some "trimming" now and then. Seem to be as hard as ever! Retired and in the 95831 area of Sacto.

I like Chat room cam, c2c (ever try Chaturbate?). Sometimes ya have to be naked with the guys...Or at least look at their profiles!

Always appreciate the occasional skinny dip invitation and like to swim laps. Those with a foreskin are a treat for sure. Wouldn't mind a work out bud to keep in shape with, either!

Bucket list includes the Indy 500 and Calgary Stampede.

Oh, planes, trains, and automobiles are fun too! Go A's! Indy 500 trip anyone? Not a cat person, they make me sneeze... like to be discreet.

== Results from ==
70% Voyeur
69% Experimentalist
64% Non-monogamist
62% Rope bunny
60% Submissive
58% Exhibitionist
55% Rigger
49% Switch
43% Vanilla
43% Masochist
42% Primal (Prey)
41% Primal (Hunter)
39% Dominant
37% Master/Mistress
33% Brat
31% Degrader
29% Brat tamer
27% Owner
27% Degradee
26% Boy/Girl
22% Sadist
20% Daddy/Mommy
18% Pet
15% Slave
13% Age player

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