longslowlicks's profile - supporters can see video

Profile ID: 734979
Age 70
Height 6'1" ft
  (185 cm)
Weight 194 lb
  (88 kg)
Sexually is bottom
oral versatile
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)

Profile text:

Always in the mood for long, slow sessions of massage, oral, and perhaps more.

Love lots of touching, rubbing, probing, until it's time to lick and suck a sweet, hard cock.

My reward is the look on your face as you are ready to cum, and the the taste of your release.

Any age, race , or size is fine as long as you enjoy receiving pleasure.

I enjoy receiving, too, but only if that interests you.

Currently only interested in hooking up for fun, but if we click, who knows?

Sound like fun?

Want me to touch and taste you soon?

Pics available if you have an interest.

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