Jonjon's profile

Profile ID: 2048556
Age 38
Height 6'3" ft
  (191 cm)
Weight 370 lb
  (168 kg)
Sexually is top
oral versatile
City Bay Area
Zip / postal 94558
State California
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
Prefer men aged from 20 to 90

Profile text:

Hey I'm a Verbal Top Chub In the east Bay Area. I'm 35years old 6'3 370lbs 5in cut and would love to have chaser any age or body type who would love to get together for some mutual body worship and pleasure. If you love to orally worship chub cock hit me up. I have not fucked ass before but something I'd like to eventually try. Love to eat old dad ass. Iv recently broke up with my longterm girlfriend and would love an old dad mouth in my life to use for my pleasure and I pleasure his ass. I'm very verbal and Love dirty talk. I can travel anywhere in the Bay Area and beyond and get us regular hotel rooms for the right Hungry man :)

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