Chronic Bator 🤪✊'s profile

Profile ID: 2488489
Age 31
Height 5'10" ft
  (178 cm)
Weight 150 lb
  (68 kg)
Zip / postal 15120
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
Prefer men aged from 55 and up

Profile text:

I am a 31 year old addicted to masturbating my penis as much as possible. I love chatting with older men who are also chronic masturbators and want to chat about our shared addiction. I love camming face to face too ;)

If you decide to reach out, I'd love to hear about how frequently you masturbate - the more the better, seriously. I also prefer to chat with men who genuinely enjoy being called "daddy". Since messages are limited on this site, feel free to share your sk.ype screen name with me in your message if you'd like to cam there sometime.

Some turn ons for me:
-body hair. love when men are covered in it.
-bellies, beefy guys, bears
-masturbation addiction
-camming face 2 face
-man smells (I want to sniff your ripe pits, balls)
-being milked by a daddy. major turn on if you'll keep stroking my cock after I cum, even if I resist from how sensitive it is.

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