Oliver's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 2798671
Age 27
Height 5'7" ft
  (170 cm)
Weight 154 lb
  (70 kg)
Sexually is bottom
oral versatile
City Hudson
Zip / postal 12534
State New York
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
a relationship
Prefer men aged from 50 to 75

Profile text:

Living and working in the Hudson Valley just north of NYC. I grew up along the west coast and moved out here after college.

I've always been attracted to older men since I can remember. I would enjoy getting to know others by chat, e-mail and eventually leading to friends (or more).

I have a wide array of interests fro<email hidden - non-supporting user - send a message instead>owboarding, gym, movies, music, cooking, science, arts and sports.

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