jeff's profile

Profile ID: 435414
Age 58
Height 6'0" ft
  (183 cm)
Weight 183 lb
  (83 kg)
Sexually is bottom
City Albuquerque
Zip / postal 87104
State New Mexico
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
Prefer men aged from 35 to 80

Profile text:

hi guys--good looking guy here, 6'1", 185,br/br,must/goatee, looking to play with mature bearish type men--more of a bottom here, tend to like older, dom, bearish type top men

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age 60 - TX, United States
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age 32 - CA, United States
Joe M
age 78 - MA, United States
Carpe dickem!
age 63 - MA, United States
Tasis profile has gallery
age 75 - ON, Canada
Vimal Raj profile has image
age 32 - Malaysia
Andrew profile has image profile has gallery
age 78 - NY, United States

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