Denray's profile - supporters can see gallery and video

Profile ID: 446796
Age 74
Height 6'1" ft
  (185 cm)
Weight 240 lb
  (109 kg)
Sexually is versatile
oral versatile
City Seattle
Zip / postal 98105
State Washington
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
a relationship
Prefer men aged from 20 to 75

Profile text:

Thank you for over 100,000 views. Paying members can see my video. Please feel free to say hello. Cinta untuk semua.

I'm a U.S. citizen that splits my time between Seattle and the Indonesian island of Bali.

As a rule, I aim to be kind. I may not be successful at this at all times. But I'm aware that we now live in a fractured culture, so I do my best to counteract this. I'm left-leaning and still count some Trump supporters among my friends. What matters is the way we respect and love one another in the end.

That said, I can be a vicious cynic, and enjoy a private throwdown with those similarly inclined. What can I say? I don't promise consistency.

I've had a couple of great loves in my lifetime, and know what's possible between two men. You'll find that I don't pigeonhole people, preferring to let them be exactly who they are.

If we are comprised of introverts and extroverts, I am the former. Let me correct that statement: I am an introvert that has trained himself to move about in an extroverted world. After all, I work in communications. But at the end of the day, I renew myself by going home, closing the door, and spending time alone.

Don't get me wrong. I crave interaction with others. If I go too long without people I feel their absence. I prefer to go deep with others. That's what satisfies my soul.

I'm always looking to build friendships that include conversation and a shared meal. I propose we discuss the possibilities. I'm always open to more if the chemistry is right. Long-term, I am looking for someone to walk with in life.

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