Links and resources

If you know of other good (free) sources of images, movies or erotic stories with an older/mature theme, please let me know!

SilverDaddies Videos - video site with adult clips focusing on mature men - also run by me ;-)

Nifty Erotic Stories Archive - a lot of stories - gay (adult/youth among other categories), bi and more - ordered by category

BearFront - a site like SilverDaddies for bears - also run by me, your friendly webmaster ;-)

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Sidste logins
paki for white top profil har billede profil har galleri
23 år - United Kingdom
jackoffshow profil har billede
42 år - TX, United States
JT profil har billede
62 år - SC, United States
John profil har galleri
75 år - MT, United States
58 år - VA, United States
Dan profil har billede profil har galleri
54 år - CA, United States
61 år - AZ, United States

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